Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says Natasha “Failure” Fyles missed a golden opportunity to outline her vision for the Territory after days of uncertainty as Labor grappled with infighting and egos to appoint a new leader, failing to announce a deputy, new cabinet or any policies to set her apart from her incompetent predecessor.

“Natasha Fyles is nothing more than a different clown in the same ridiculous Labor circus that Territorians have had to endure for the past six years. New leader, same old Labor.

“Territorians will continue to suffer under a Labor government with no vision and no plan for the future. Natasha Fyles will continue to ignore the abhorrent levels of crime and violence right across the Territory and fail to support our police. She will continue driving the Territory’s economy into the ground and racking up $9 billion of debt that will take generations of Territorians to pay back.

“For the past six years Labor has delivered record levels of debt, a crippled health system, record levels of crime, unsustainable cost of living pressures, a declining population, lack of support for small businesses, a hostile regulatory environment that makes the Territory unattractive for private investment, tragically low police morale, and out of control public drunkenness and anti-social behaviour.

“As the key ‘puppeteer’ in parliament, she has pulled all the strings for Michael Gunner and Territorians are now in for more of the same, under her so-called leadership.

“Natasha Fyles is the worst Health Minister the Territory has ever seen, and is directly responsible for five Code Yellow internal emergencies at Royal Darwin Hospital, closing remote health clinics in the middle of a global pandemic, bungling the remote vaccine rollout, introducing legislation to give unfettered power to the unelected Chief Health Officer and scrapping essential reporting provisions, breaking an election promise to have a 24/7 Nightcliff police station, which is nothing more than glorified office space and has no general duties officers, spending $5,000 renting a Christmas tree, and spending $800,000 on music vouchers for criminals.

“It’s appropriate that on Friday the 13th Labor has elected a new leader that continues the Territory’s horror show. This is just the same Labor circus, with a different clown.