NT Labor has voted down the CLP’s laws to introduce mandatory time behind bars for every offender who is cowardly enough to assault police, paramedics, nurses, doctors, teachers, corrections officers, retail and hospitality workers, bus and taxi drivers – and any other Territory worker.

“Today was an opportunity for Natasha Fyles to show a point of difference between herself and Michael Gunner. Instead she voted down laws for greater protections for police and Territory workers – something that the NT Police Association (NTPA) has long campaigned for.

“That’s despite the Police Minister admitting 40 percent of first-time offenders don’t see the inside of a cell.

“If Labor really cared about Territory workers, it would have: come to the CLP and worked towards bipartisan solutions, brought amendments to the CLP’s legislation, and voted for tougher penalties for first-time offenders who spit, punch, kick or bite Territorians in their workplace, but it didn’t.

“If Labor truly thinks these laws are simply ‘window dressing’, it could have introduced tougher mandatory minimum terms of actual imprisonment – which the CLP would be prepared to support, but it didn’t.

Our legislation:

  • Introduces minimum mandatory sentences for cowardly first-time offenders who attack Territory workers;
  • Acts as a strong deterrent and condemns unacceptable behaviour;
  • Provides consistency in sentencing while meeting community expectations; and
  • Is supported by the Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA), which represents the views of close to 99% of the NT’s police force.

“Instead of backing our important reform, Labor is happy for Territory workers to continue to be bashed, kicked, punched and spat on – while offenders walk free from court. It’s just not good enough. Kicking, punching, biting and spitting on police or Territory workers should be met with a minimum mandatory sentence, not a get out of jail free card. “The CLP will never shy away from putting the rights of Territory workers above the rights of the cowards who assault them in their workplace,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.