Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says Labor has lied to Territorians about the COVID vaccine mandate.

“Territorians were told mandating a vaccine was the best health advice. What Labor failed to mention is that, that the direction was possibly invalid.

“In a complete state of panic and deliberate deception, Labor used the last night of parliamentary sittings to force through amendments to the Public and Environmental Health Act to enshrine the Chief Health Officer’s (CHO) vaccine mandate directions into law.

“In the dark of night, Labor tried to slip this past Territorians. Labor was clearly terrified that, at the time the CHO mandated vaccines for Territory workers, he didn’t have the legal power to do so.

“We have said for months now, if the CHO can’t front up to Territorians and explain the health advice and evidence behind keeping the vaccine mandate – then it needs to be scrapped.  That time is now and the mandates need to end.

“This legislative change was a carefully calculated move to spring on parliament with as little notice as possible, and avoid as much scrutiny as possible. In fact, the amendments were circulated to members of parliament less than an hour before debate on the Bill began.

“The changes made by Natasha Fyles would likely impact civil action being taken against Labor in regard to the COVID mandates. The Chief Minister refused to explain why the changes were being implemented, what impact they would have on current legal proceedings, or in the Fair Work Commission.

“The dictatorial nature of forcing through legislative change to escape legal action has become a hallmark of this Labor government and proves it doesn’t matter who is the Chief Minister, it’s the same old incompetent team failing Territorians,” said Mr Yan.