Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says the CLP welcomes today’s announcement that the vaccine mandate will be scrapped, following months of pressure from the Opposition and Territorians.

“For many Territorians and businesses this is too little, too late. Small businesses, tourism, hospitality, and retail have suffered terribly under this divisive, draconian measure which was only forced onto Territorians by the Labor government because of its failed remote vaccine rollout.

“Labor’s failure to review the mandate, when called upon by the Opposition and Territorians, has done irreparable damage to our community.

“While the Opposition followed the best health advice and supported the mandate, we have always said it would not have been needed if the Health Minister, who is now the Chief Minister, had managed the vaccine rollout in the bush.

“Now the last major COVID restriction has been dropped and the public health emergency is ending – the two years of unfettered power for the CHO also needs to go. Under these laws, the CHO can still implement a vaccine mandate at any time.

“Territorians still haven’t seen a single report from the CHO outlining the advice and evidence provided to government – and how that advice has been implemented.

“In fact, Labor went to extraordinary lengths to make sure the CLP’s legislation to ensure regular reporting from the CHO to Territorians was rejected by parliament.

“We don’t support extraordinary powers, including search and seize powers without a warrant, handed to an unelected official for the next two years.

“Territorians do not need the dark cloud of COVID hanging over their heads for the next two years, with the possibility of having mandates and other restrictions imposed upon them, at any time.

“It’s time for Labor to focus on combating its catastrophic crime and economic failures, as well as addressing cost of living pressures, fixing our crippled health system and restoring government integrity,” said Mr Yan.