Shadow Minister for Education, Jo Hersey, says the new Education Minister has no plan to fix the Territory’s abysmal school attendance rates, citing the same failed plan Labor has used for the past six years.

“The most recent available data, dating back to Term 3 of 2021, shows 26 NT schools with an attendance rates of less than 40 percent – with one as low as 15.5 percent. That is absolutely disgraceful.

“Despite acknowledging the shocking figures, Education Minister Eva Lawler couldn’t point to a single new initiative to boost school attendance. It was also revealed there hasn’t been a single infringement notice issued to parents for a child’s non-attendance.

“The Education Minister also admitted kids in Wadeye have missed days of school following violence in the community earlier this year.

Data provided by the Education Department shows in the nine months to 31st March 2022:

  • 56 staff have been terminated for not complying with the vaccine mandate;
  • 474 education staff have resigned, which is an 18% increase compared with the previous reporting period; and
  • The number of teachers, assistant teachers and senior teachers has decreased by 51 FTE, while the number of administration officers has increased by 104 FTE. That means the agency has lost 51 teachers in a year and hired more than double that number in non-teaching staff.

“This is the second day of Estimates we haven’t been able to ask questions on anything other than the opening statement because of strict time constraints, imposed by the Fyles government,” said Mrs Hersey.

Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Gerard Maley, says is astonishing Minister Lawler has refused to stand down while her Department is under investigation by the anti-corruption watchdog over safety compliance issues at TIO stadium.

“The Minister yesterday admitted that information has been provided by her department to the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC), but won’t stand down during the probe because “I’m doing the right thing”.

“Eva Lawler cannot continue to hold the position of Minister while an investigation is underway and should immediately step aside.

“Minister Lawler also confirmed the NT Government would be liable for any injuries suffered by the public, while a certificate of occupancy at TIO is outstanding,” said Mr Maley.

Opposition questioning also uncovered:

  • No new money has been spent on building urgently needed emergency shelters in regional and remote areas;
  • The Minister could not provide any update on the Alice Springs Aboriginal Art Gallery; and
  • A 2018 commitment for the $9 million to upgrade Purkiss Reserve in Tennant Creek still hasn’t gone to tender.