Shadow Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, Marie-Clare Boothby, says it’s absolutely ridiculous that the new Tourism Minister can’t even acknowledge the damage Labor’s failed law and order policies have had on the industry in Central Australia.

“During questions from the Opposition, all Minister Manison could provide to tour operators and Territorians living in Central Australia was lip service.

“In a bizarre statement, the Minister said tourists and Territorians should look to Alice Springs with “hope and optimism”, despite escalating crime ravaging business, and visitors being bashed or robbed.

“You can’t board up broken windows with hope and optimism.

“The Minister wasn’t across her portfolio, and dismissed serious concerns around out of control crime in the Red Centre, saying she had no information about businesses that have been forced to close because of sustained criminal damage. That’s despite direct criticism from industry following a damning report into the Alice Springs crime wave which aired on Nine’s A Current Affair.

“At the time, members of Tourism Central Australia cited wide-spread cancellations because of safety concerns in Alice Springs, including the cancellation of a private tour contract worth $100,000.

“The only “hope and optimism” Territorians have is for change of government in 2024. Until then, all they can “hope” for, is that the Fyles Labor Government will finally stump up and do something for the people of Central Australia to combat crippling levels of crime.

“Nothing the Minister said today will bring any comfort or certainty to tourism operators in Central Australia. All they see is a failed Police Minister, who was dumped for overseeing record levels of crime right across the Territory, who is now in control of Tourism and Hospitality.

“Astonishingly, the Minister thought she could refer to anecdotal accounts, instead of referencing any solid statistics when answering questions. “We certainly hope she can eventually wrap her head around this crucial portfolio, given the importance of the tourism and hospitality industries to the Territory economy,” said Mrs Boothby.