Shadow Chief Minister, Lia Finocchiaro, says it’s absolutely astonishing the new Police Minister couldn’t outline a single initiative to address ongoing issues with attrition, morale, lack of mental health services within NT Police – and the escalating crime crisis – saying “I’ve only been in the job three weeks”.

“Despite attrition within the NT police force on target to hit 11 percent this year, morale at tragically low levels, and escalating crime at unsustainable levels, Minister Worden today rejected the notion police are in “crisis”.

Opposition questioning has also uncovered:

  • Minister Worden refused to acknowledge rank and file concerns with the Commissioner – and senior police executive – through a proposed vote of no confidence, and couldn’t name one thing she would do differently to repair the fractured relationship with police and top brass;
  • Darwin Watch House is not operational 24/7 which “comes down to a resourcing matter”, according to Deputy Commissioner, Michael Murphy;
  • 157 police were assaulted in the nine months to 31st March 2022;
  • 297 youths were picked up on 619 occasions for committing a serious breach of bail;
  • Only 81 exit interviews were conducted of the 141 officers who resigned or retired in the nine months to 31st March 2022;
  • The implementation of a review into Wellbeing and Mental Health services hasn’t progressed far, nor a formal cabinet submission drafted, since being completed in March this year;
  • The Minister won’t make the review public and is yet to commit any additional funding for its implementation;
  • The Commissioner of Police says the department’s $1.65 million for mental health support is “not sufficient”; and
  • Legislative reform to NT Police’s contentious disciplinary process won’t be introduced to Parliament until the middle of next year.

“Police will be horrified to learn their agency is just as rudderless and visionless under the so-called leadership of Minister Worden, as it was under Minister Manison. It’s just more of the same,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.