Shadow Minister for Agribusiness and Aquaculture, Joshua Burgoyne, says it’s deeply concerning that the new Minister is yet to meet with the Territory’s top experts on biosecurity threats.

“Minister Paul Kirby, who took over the Agribusiness portfolio three weeks ago, today made it clear one of the biggest risks to agriculture in the NT was lumpy skin disease (LSD). Yet when questioned whether he’d met with the Territory’s Chief Veterinary Officer to discuss the serious biosecurity threat his answer was “no”.

“It’s beyond belief that on one hand the Minister acknowledges the seriousness of the threat of LSD, and Foot-and-Mouth disease (FMD), but on the other hand admits he hasn’t had a single meeting with the NT’s head vet, Dr Sue Fitzpatrick, since taking over this important portfolio.

“Through Opposition questioning, it was revealed the Territory’s cattle industry is worth $1 billion and the impact of LSD or FMD making its way into the NT would be devastating.

“We also learnt the budget for biosecurity and animal welfare has been slashed by more than $2 million: to $17 million, down from $19.35 million in the previous financial year.

“If the Fyles Labor Government really is serious about keeping serious biosecurity threats at bay, there needs to be sufficient funding to do everything possible to keep these diseases out of the Territory, and have a detailed co-ordinated response should an incursion occur, so we can adequately protect industry,” said Mr Burgoyne.