Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley, says Labor has overseen a critical population decline since coming to power in 2016.

“The latest Census population count by state and territory, shows the NT’s population sits at 232,605 – that’s a decrease from the 2016 Census which recorded the NT’s population at 245,048 as at 31 December 2016.1

“When you couple that decline with the government’s plan to grow our population by 1.4% annually – which hasn’t happened – Labor has failed to attract the more than 33,700 people it promised. In 2018, NT Labor announced a $50.4 million investment over two years, which included $4.6 million on the Boundless Possible master brand flop. The final price tag remains unknown, all we do know is that it was a total waste.

“NT Labor came to power with the promise to grow our population and like all Gunner Government promises, has completely under delivered. We desperately need people to move to Territory in order to help turn our economy around. The Fyles Labor Government needs to get crime under control and grow our economy to attract people to the Territory. Personal safety and job security are two of the critical issues for people weighing up whether they want to relocate their family.

“A CLP government will address the escalating crime crisis by putting the rights of victims above the rights of offenders, deal with recidivist offender by setting a presumption against bail for both repeat adult and youth offenders, introduce mandatory sentencing for offenders with assault police and Territory workers, reinstate breach of bail conditions as an offence for youths and return youth justice to Corrections so that Territory Families can focus on its core function – the care and protection of children.

“We will cut red tape and attract private investment to kick-start the economy and pay down the massive $9 billion debt Labor has racked up since 2016, implement an Approvals Fast-Track Taskforce, introduce a Territory Coordinator to facilitate private investment and reform the way significant economic projects are supported, and move away from the complicated hybrid mining tax model and implement an ad valorem royalty system,” said Mr Maley.
