Tourism in the Northern Territory will continue to suffer if the Fyles Labor Government does not get crime under control.

Shadow Tourism Minister Marie-Clare Boothby said a number of break-ins along Mitchell Street overnight would leave a sour taste in the mouths of these travellers.

“Word of mouth is incredibly powerful and while travellers are continually witness and subject to anti-social behaviour and these senseless break-ins in our key tourist destinations, why would they tell anyone to come to the Northern Territory?

“As if petrol wasn’t expensive enough, travellers like this are often on shoe-string budgets and now they’re having to replace windows and locks on cars, groceries, and even the mental toll of being broken into and their personal belongings being looked through.

“This Fyles Labor Government can talk all they want but it’s just hot air and no action, with Territorians and tourists alike suffering and they’re sick of it. Real action is needed.

“A CLP Government will conduct an immediate review into the banned drinker register, it will scrap the minimum floor price and will take real action for those who need it.

“People spending time and money in our regions, towns and cities do not deserve this and the Fyles Labor Government need to do better,” said Ms Boothby.