Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says it’s astonishing the Fyles Labor Government has refused to answer a large number of Questions Taken on Notice during the July Estimates Committee Hearings, 24 hours after the formal deadline.

“The deadline of July 18th was nominated by the Fyles Labor Government, proving once again they can’t even stick to their own timelines.

“A substantial number of questions remain unanswered. It appears Natasha Fyles is more focused on her Japanese junket than answering critical questions of her government.

“Many of the questions yet to be answered are around the basic function of Government, including:

  • The average processing time for approval of a gas exploration permit;
  • The longest time a person has spent on the waitlist for remote housing;
  • The number of people who were charged with assaulting a police officer; and
  • The number of youths arrested by police, and the number those of those arrested who were granted police bail.

“These questions should not have come as a surprise for government. This tactic goes to the heart of this Government’s lack of accountability and the lengths it will go to, to hide from scrutiny.

“This refusal to answer key questions on time, diminishes the impact of the budget estimates process. It’s unacceptable that so many questions still remain unanswered,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.