Shadow Minister for Territory Families and Opposition Whip, Joshua Burgoyne, says that parliamentary sittings this week will be an important opportunity to hold the Fyles Government to account on a number of serious issues including the current crime crisis increasing across the Northern Territory.

“The CLP will continue to press Labor to do more to address the Territory’s crime crisis. The Fyles Government can’t ignore the Territory’s crime rates which have skyrocketed since Labor took Government in 2016. Territorians need more decisive action and deserve to feel safe.

“Labor has opened the floodgates on grog without a plan. In just one week since alcohol returned to communities we’ve seen alcohol related domestic violence at levels not experienced before and increases in alcohol sales of 300% as stated by retailers.

“The new Minister for Domestic Violence has failed to stand up for families affected by alcohol fuelled domestic violence. She has instead allowed her colleague, the Attorney General, to lead ideology based changes to legislation that have left the most vulnerable Territorians at risk of alcohol fuelled violence.

“In Alice Springs last week police reported 54 cases of domestic violence over a 48 hour period. A shocking number of offences that happened just days after the new changes came into effect. 

“The Fyles Government has failed Territorians and failed to keep them safe. The CLP will be demanding answers as to what Labor is going to do to protect Territorians and address the rapidly escalating crime crisis. 

“The Labor Government’s policies clearly aren‘t working and Territorians are suffering as a result,” says Mr Burgoyne.