The Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro, says that it’s a sad day for democracy with the Labor Government choosing to use its numbers to ram through changes to remote attendance in Parliament.

“When the CLP attempted to question that decision, Leader of Government Business Chancey Paech immediately shut down the debate, gagging the Opposition.

“Under the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act, a member vacates his seat if he fails to attend for 3 consecutive sitting days without leave. Today’s actions by Labor essentially overrule the Act.

“The Motion, which was not circulated to the CLP Opposition or Independents before it was passed, essentially allows a member to be absent for any reason, without leave being granted.

“This is despite the new Speaker Mark Monaghan, publicly stating during Estimates last month that “under the Assembly’s resolution, the act of the declaration of a public health emergency brings an end to remote participation; however, remote participation is allowed under any future declared emergency or disaster situation.”

“The emergency declaration was cancelled on the 15th of June; and therefore the Government has back-flipped and is avoiding scrutiny by allowing its members to attend remotely and fail the “golden rule” of being a member – and that is to represent your constituents.  

“Labor has attempted to make this about COVID, but there is no emergency declaration in place and the motion does not even mention COVID.  

“The Labor Government has descended into total authoritarianism and this is just another example of their arrogance. “This is being done so that the Government can manage the infighting and members who can’t be bothered to rock up,” says Mrs Finocchiaro.