The Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro, says the CLP will today give notice of the Fuel Price Disclosure Bill 2022, designed to drive down the price of fuel and ease cost of living for Territorians.

“Both the latest Deloitte Access Economics June report and the latest CommSec State of the States show that the Territory has the worst performing economy in Australia.

“The Labor Government have stated in Parliament that the Commsec State of the States report is “probably the worst report to assess the Northern Territory economy”, whilst touting the Deloitte Access Economics and using their data as their report of choice. Today, both reports show that the Labor Government has failed Territorians and left our economy in tatters.

“The Deloitte Access Economics’ June quarter report states the Territory’s economy is predicted to grow at the slowest rate in Australia over the next five years. This is coupled with the highest inflation rate in Australia by a large margin, a 6.1% increase compared to 4.4% nationwide.

“Due to the Labor Government’s lack of economic aptitude, Territorians are struggling to put food on the table and cannot afford to drive to work.

“This is why the CLP will today give notice of the Fuel Price Disclosure Bill 2022 and once again lead from Opposition to tackle one of the biggest factors facing Territorians when it comes to cost of living pressures – particularly for those living in remote areas.

“The Bill will force fuel retailers to disclose their profit margins and may be used as evidence to institute a cap on profits if anticompetitive behaviour continues. This will put downward pressure on prices and provide some relief to Territorians at the bowser.

“We don’t want more people to leave the Territory because it costs too much to live here so the CLP is taking urgent action on cost of living because Territorians cannot wait any longer for relief at the bowser.

“The Fyles Government should be giving bi-partisan support to the CLP’s legislation to drive down fuel prices.

“Labor’s policies and failure to improve the Territory’s economic position are impacting on the pockets of Territorians and are eroding the much beloved Territory lifestyle.

Real economic reform must be introduced immediately or the NT will continue to fall behind,” says Mrs Finocchiaro.