The Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro, says that in a display of astonishing arrogance the Chief Minister in Question Time tried to blame the Palmerston Council and use them as a shield for her not wanting to save swimming for Palmerston and rural families. This is despite the fact that she is the Minister for Health and the Chief Minister, the very person who can open the pool at the Howard Springs quarantine facility to the public while Palmerston pool undergoes 14 months redevelopment.

“It is so disappointing that instead of embracing the opportunity to find a solution to the problem, Natasha Fyles has absolved herself of any responsibility and blamed local government – who have absolutely no responsibility for the pool at the Howard Springs quarantine facility”

“The ridicule and dismissive way she addressed our proposal to save swimming for Palmerston and rural residents was abhorrent.

“Natasha Fyles could open the pool at the Howard Springs quarantine facility while the Palmerston pool is closed for an important redevelopment, but instead, she is throwing council under the bus and washing her hands of it.

“People in Palmerston and the rural area deserve better and the CLP will not stop pushing government to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem,” says Mrs Finocchiaro.