Multiple reports of more concerning crime in Darwin’s northern suburbs leave a dark cloud over the Fyles Labor Government who continue to sit by and do nothing as the Territory drowns in crime.

The report of two serious sexual assaults at Casuarina Square at the weekend plus the murder at Water Gardens, a serious assault in Darwin, and attempted robbery in Darwin are shocking.

Deputy Opposition Leader Gerard Maley said while the Chief Minister was out spruiking her CCTV cameras at the weekend, Territorians were living in the real world.

“Crime and antisocial behaviour is the single biggest issue facing Territorians right now and the Fyles Labor Government think they’re doing enough with a few CCTV cameras,” he said.

“I’m not sure what part of the Territory they’re living in, but it’s certainly not the same one as the rest of us.

“What happened at Casuarina Square on the weekend was horrific, and unfortunately is not an isolated incident – we hear often of people too scared to go there, antisocial behaviour through the shops and in the car parks and bus interchange.

“This is not isolated to Darwin, with Katherine and Alice Springs in the thick of it too.  Of course we’ve all seen the vision that emerged of the taxi attack over the weekend and these are incidents that we as a society say is unacceptable.

“Even the Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis – a former senior Labor Minister – said last week that he “and 129,999 other people in Darwin have had enough”.

Mr Vatskalis also called for the 2km law to be “brought back quickly” and to make breach of bail an offence again, saying it was a “failed” experiment.

“How Natasha Fyles and her Cabinet can sit by and think they are doing enough is baffling and we are calling urgent action from this incompetent government to fix this critical issue,” Mr Maley said.

Mr Maley said a CLP government would get youth off the streets and into programs that will change behaviour and put the focus back on victims, and get police back on the beat.

“In the last few years, more than $100 million has been spent by the Labor Government on crime, yet crime continues to rise. What a shocking waste of money,” Mr Maley said. “What they are doing is not working and Natasha Fyles is proving she has no new ideas.”