The CLP Opposition believes in solar PV as the energy of the future. The environmental and economic benefits to Territorians are undeniable, but Labor has let them down.

Shadow Minister for Small Business Marie-Clare Boothby said Labor’s decision to scrap the solar PV tariff without warning was a kick in the guts for Territorians.

“Labor promised 13,000 Territorians that they would be rewarded for going green, and instead they have been punished,” she said.

“People in the electorate of Fannie Bay and across the Territory have just received their first electricity bills with the higher than expected costs as the lower tariff kicks in, on top of a 2.7 per cent increase under Labor’s latest price hike. This could be as much as a $300 a quarter increase per family.

“Electricity hikes come no top of Territorians suffering the highest cost of living increase in the country, with inflation set to increase by an astronomical 12.5 per cent over the next year.

“Fuel continues to sit around 40 cents higher than the rest of the nation, groceries have increased as much 15 per cent and housing costs are up 16 per cent.

“Territorians are at crisis point and tired of Labor’s excuses.”

Ms Boothby said the CLP Opposition would reward Territorians that go green by immediately introducing a time-of-day incentive, doubling the feed-in tariff during peak times.

“We would also double the battery incentive to $12,000 lowering or eliminating power bills for Territorians” she said.

“Cost of living is at crisis point and unlike Labor the CLP has a plan. We would:

  1. legislate to force fuel retailers to disclose their profits;
  2. hold an immediate Inquiry into fuel prices blowing the lid on the price at the bowser;
  3. double the solar feed-in-tariff during peak times; and
  4. double the solar battery bonus.

“The good people of Fannie Bay need to send Labor a message that it is time for change. No more excuses.”