Natasha Fyles and the Labor candidate for Fannie Bay Brent Potter must immediately come clean on the serious allegations of conflict of interest regarding his work history and securing of $10 million of taxpayer funds that were raised during the candidate debate on ABC Radio Darwin this morning.

Deputy Opposition Leader Gerard Maley said there are serious questions regarding Mr Potter’s previous role working with Amphibian Aerospace Industries (AAI) CEO Dan Webster and later employment on the fifth floor.

It follows Mr Potter’s admission on ABC Radio this morning that he “facilitated” a $10m funding grant on the fifth floor.

Among the questions that must be addressed immediately are:

  1. What Mr Potter’s role was in lobbying the NT Government on behalf of AAI, Dan Webster or Elbit Systems Australia before he was employed as an adviser to the Labor Government?
  2. Whether Mr Potter declared a conflict of interest upon accepting employment as an adviser to the Labor Government in 2020?
  3. What role Mr Potter had in securing the $10 million investment by the Government into AAI’s proposed manufacturing project?
  4. Whether Mr Potter’s perceived or actual conflicts of interest were properly managed under the applicable legislation and code of conduct?

“Further, questions must be asked as to whether Natasha Fyles and the Labor Government had knowledge of the actual or potential conflict of interest, as well as Mr Potter’s decision to shut down a LinkedIn page showing his past work history just a few weeks ago?” Mr Maley said.

“The absence of any explanation from either the Labor Government or Mr Potter to this point is just another example of the lack of transparency, accountability and integrity that we have seen over the past six years.

“In addition, serious concerns linger over the history of the AAI project: You only have to do a quick Google to see media reports from 2020 of concerns regarding this company when it was operating in Sydney and its subsequent cancellation. So why was the Labor Government so keen to pursue a project that had previously failed?” he said. Reference media below.

“Just a few days out from a by-election, it is time for Mr Potter, Natasha Fyles and the Labor Government to come clean with Territorians.

“Enough is enough. Voters deserve to know exactly who they are voting for and whether that person has disclosed any conflicts of interest, especially when it comes to the spending of $10 million of taxpayer dollars.

“The continued arrogance of this Gunner-Fyles Government shows that it’s time for change.”


Referenced media: