Kate Worden is a failed police minister and now a failed Territory Families minister, and must resign to bring integrity to government.

Deputy Opposition Leader Gerard Maley said she had shown multiple times that she is incapable of holding any major portfolios, and has to resign from them.

“Kate Worden has failed to support police in one of the most tumultuous times in the Territory’s history, and now we see she’s not even following her own government’s legislation in facilitating monthly reports from both Don Dale and the Alice Springs Youth Detention Facility,” he said.

“The fact that an FOI had to be done to get this information shows that Kate Worden knew her shortfalls, and chose not to disclose anything until the media came digging – what else has she got to hide?”

Mr Maley said she has been missing for a week on issues of critical importance to the Territory.

“These are some of the most serious issues facing the Territory and we have a police minister missing in action and a Territory Families minister unable to fill her legislated obligations – it’s just not good enough,” he said.

“It has been complete silence from Kate Worden since the NTPA conference, and it was clear how frustrated the mayors were before their meeting with Natasha Fyles yesterday about antisocial behaviour.

“Territorians are sick of hearing this Fyles Labor Government say they’re listening. You have had six years to listen, you need to take action and do something and fix these issues.”

Mr Maley said a CLP Government would bring the police portfolio under the chief minister and take youth justice out of Territory Families.

“These are some simple but significant changes the Fyles Labor Government could be making but they choose to hide on the fifth floor and hope all the problems go away on their own,” he said.