The Fyles Labor Government have one month to consider the CLP’s Fuel Price Disclosure Bill 2022, introduced in parliament today and designed to drive down the cost of fuel and in turn relieve the burden of cost of living for Territorians.

Shadow Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro said as Territorians were making decisions between fuelling their cars and buying tomatoes, it was critical the Fyles Labor Government support this bill.

“Our Fuel Price Disclosure Bill 2022 will force retailers to disclose the profit margin on fuel which means there will be transparency on fuel profits driving the price and the bowser down,” she said.

The legislation has been tabled, and the Fyles Labor Government now have one month to determine if they will support it.

“The CLP didn’t make this up – it is a clear recommendation of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

“World oil prices might be high, but the gap between the terminal gate price and bowser is too much – Government can impact fuel pricing but the Fyles Labor Government refuse to do anything.

“Territorians have been paying between 20 and 40c a litre more than the rest of the nation.

“While Natasha Fyles and the Labor Government have been silent on fuel and cost of living, we have been doing their work for them.”

Designed to put downward pressure on prices and provide relief to Territorians at the bowser, it will also play a role in making the Territory an attractive place to live.

“We don’t want more people to leave the Territory because it costs too much to live here so the CLP is taking urgent action on cost of living because Territorians cannot wait any longer for relief at the bowser,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

“Labor’s policies and failure to improve the Territory’s economic position are impacting on the pockets of Territorians and are eroding the much beloved Territory lifestyle.

“Real economic reform must be introduced immediately or the NT will continue to fall behind.”