Labor’s Minister for Territory Families and Urban Housing has just discovered that some Alice Springs people drink alcohol during the day – in public!

The clueless minister made the admission on ABC radio on Friday, saying: “I saw my first instance yesterday of very open public day drinking”.

Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, who lives in Alice Springs, said the admission was laughable but it also was a stark demonstration of how much Labor was out of touch with the community.

“If the minister is only now discovering what most people learn on their first day in Alice Springs, what hope is there for Labor tackling the out-of-control, alcohol-fuelled crime,” he said.

“Only with a pro-active commitment to ignorance could someone spend decades in the Northern Territory before discovering public day drinking is ‘a thing’.”

Mr Yan said the Opposition supported making it an offence to consume liquor in public within 2 km of a licensed premises because it would stop much of the anti-social behaviour that had skyrocketed since Labor came to office.

“A good government would live in the community, talk with people in the real world, and implement policies that have been proven to work,” he said.

“Labor not only refuses to fix the problems around alcohol and crime but it now appears they don’t even understand the problems or know they exist.”