The Opposition will harness people power this week to boost their plan for lower petrol prices in the Northern Territory.

Motorists can sign a petition calling on the Fyles Labor government to support the Opposition’s Fuel Price Disclosure Bill, which is progressing through parliament.

The petition is available online at:

Opposition Whip Josh Burgoyne said Natasha Fyles must listen to the will of the people and the petition, launched today, which would allow people to express their need for cheaper fuel.

“We are still to see the full impact of the fuel excise discount being removed and OPEC+ overnight agreed to cut global oil production, pushing petrol prices even higher,” he said.

“Our legislation reflects recommendations from the ACCC in 2015, forcing big fuel companies to publish their profit margins, giving customers more information when choosing their retailer and more confidence they are not being gouged at the pump.

“We know fuel prices go down when governments talk about regulation and that’s what we have seen happening while our Bill is progressing through parliament.

“The Fyles Labor government now needs to stop siding with the big fuel companies and make lower fuel prices permanent by supporting our Bill and making it law.”

Mr Burgoyne said the Fuel Price Petition was an important opportunity to remind the government where their priorities should lie.

“There are hard copies available, as well as an online option, which allows for messages to be sent to the government,” he said.

“We will report the level of support to Natasha Fyles and also pass on messages to let her know exactly what people think.

“We will also report back to petitioners the outcome of votes and how their local member voted.”