Territorians are sick of being ripped off at the bowser and they’re angry with the Labor government’s indifference to cost of living.

Shadow Minister for Seniors, Jo Hersey, said one of the biggest pressures on not only seniors but all Territorians was the cost of living.

“The problem isn’t going to go away. However, the solution is waiting for Labor in Parliament today,” she said.

“We want this to be bi-partisan. We want Labor to work with us.”

The Opposition met with everyday Territorians in the mall yesterday at a mobile office where locals could sign the petition and call on the government to support their fuel Bill.

“Territorians are keen to have their say and it’s time government started listening,” Mrs Hersey said.

“Fuel prices continue to climb with the removal of the fuel excise and oil producers cutting production.

“The Opposition’s fuel Bill reflects recommendations made by the ACCC.

“This Bill is about increasing competition and giving consumers information they need to force that competition.”