Natasha Fyles and her cabinet must show to the community crime meeting organised by local business owners for next week.

Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said Labor were a no-show at all other community meetings and rallies, held in protest of weak laws and crime policy affecting business owners across the Territory.

“Business owners are at breaking point, and they have called this community meeting to show the Fyles Labor government that they are really hurting,” she said.

“Labor need to come out, stand with, and listen to these business owners who are suffering under sky-high commercial break-in rates – they cannot hide any longer.”

Mrs Finocchiaro said Darwin and Palmerston’s commercial break-in rates were up 76 per cent and 18 per cent respectively, while places like Katherine were living through a rise of 82 per cent in commercial break-ins.

“We commend the actions of business owners who are brave enough to stand up and say enough is enough to this government who have continued to put the rights of offenders above the rights of victims,” she said.

“The CLP Opposition will stand with you and listen to your concerns – will Labor do the same?”

Organised by NT Handrails’ Donna Roos, the meeting is being held at Goyder Square at 9am on Tuesday, November 8.

“She has encouraged business owners across the Territory to drive meetings of their own on the same day, at the same time to send a real message to government,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

“No matter where your business is – we will stand with you.”

Mrs Finocchiaro said the CLP strongly oppose raising the age of criminal responsibility, and are vehemently against removing mandatory sentencing.

“We need to stop the revolving door in our jails by implementing programs like the CLP’s Sentenced to a Skill, where people learn a trade or other life skill to put their life on a better path,” she said.

“The first step we need to see from this government is an admission that they have created a crime crisis. The second step will be to stop doing what we know doesn’t work and do something different.”