News of a Code Yellow at the Katherine Hospital has almost tipped a struggling town over the edge.

Shadow Minister for Health Bill Yan said the Code Yellow was announced by the government at 4.45pm on Thursday afternoon via a media release.

Sources have told the CLP Opposition that staff thought they would scrape through without needing the Code Yellow announcement.

“The CLP Opposition understands there were not enough beds to deal with the high number of people in emergency due to alcohol violence, and a high-speed motor vehicle accident with four people involved, which tipped the already struggling hospital over the edge,” Mr Yan said.

“We know there is a very high number of patients coming through the ED needing acute care in Katherine and there has been since June, with CareFlight transfers to RDH up 10 to 12 on average per month and the last couple of weeks have increased that to 20, the Opposition understands.”

Mr Yan said those figures married up with what police have told the CLP Opposition, and were directly impacted by the Stronger Futures legislation finishing.

“There has been no plan from the Fyles Labor government to deal with that critical legislation ending. They have been negligent in not implementing a single plan to deal with the alcohol-fuelled violence in our towns and communities and now our health system is paying the price,” he said. “This is a complete and utter failing from Natasha Fyles and her cabinet. They must hang their head in shame and front the good people of Katherine and explain why there has been so much inaction to help them and their drowning hospital.”