Taxpayers continue to fund Darwin’s ‘mobile crime scenes’ as anti-social incidents on public transport continue to rise.

8311 antisocial incidents on public transport were reported for the period 1 July 2021 to 31 May 2022, an increase of 661 incidents on the same reporting period a year prior.

Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Gerard Maley said the figures were uncovered by written questions asked by the CLP Opposition.

“Labor has removed the consequences for crime and anti-social behaviour, turning the transit system into a network of mobile crime scenes,” he said.

“These figures and the increase in antisocial behaviour on our public transport system are a direct result of this government’s failure and their laser focus on the rights of the offender over the rights of the victim.”

Mr Maley said there were 7650 anti-social incidents on public transport across the Northern Territory between July 1 2020 and May 31 2021.

“Yesterday, Minister Lawler has announced more security for Darwin buses but it does not specify how much the three-month trial will cost the department, and does not specify if the 14 additional security officers will be Transit Safety Officer trained or just contracted security guards,” he said.

“How will they “address antisocial behaviour in a culturally-appropriate manner”?  What does this actually mean?

“There are many questions which remain unanswered here and we have no faith the government can pull this off and make public transport safe for everyone.”

It comes as Mr Maley addressed further concerns with staffing on public transport.

“Hundreds of bus services were cancelled last month, with drivers refusing to cop the abuse and threats, while Blue Taxi driver numbers have plummeted from 200 to about 40,” he said.

“Nobody deserves to be spat on, abused and threatened in the work place.

“Labor gets on radio and says these crimes ‘are not OK’, but their actions and policies are sending a completely different message.

“With the change of government in 2024, the CLP will restore consequences for crime, stop the revolving door of bail, and put victims ahead of criminals.”