The Opposition tried to censure the Chief Minister today for her deafening silence over the conviction of child sex offender Kent Rowe, who took Labor to victory in 2016.

Rowe held senior roles in Government, including Head of Caucus Liaison and Senior Adviser to then Chief Minister Michael Gunner.

Shadow Minister for Women Marie-Clare Boothby said Labor’s silence over one of their closest confidants spoke volumes about the Labor government’s integrity and values.

“Natasha Fyles needs to address the elephant in the room,” she said.

“Territorians have been waiting for 84 days since Kent Rowe was convicted to hear from the Chief Minister on this deeply disturbing matter and the close relationship between the offender and her government.

“Territorians expect Natasha Fyles and members of her cabinet to take a strong stand against the reprehensible behaviour of this individual.

“The Opposition has been waiting for the Chief Minister to make a strong public statement of condemnation following Rowe’s conviction and then sentencing.

“Territorians want to know why Natasha Fyles spruiks about “Labor values” but fails to publically condemn the most heinous of actions and send a clear message to our community that such behaviour is despicable.”

The Opposition grilled Labor ministers on the hypocrisy of condemning the Member for Blain within two days of him being revealed as the one behind Labor’s cocaine sex scandal and yet saying nothing about Kent Rowe for 84 days.

The Fyles Labor Government shut down the censure to avoid any public scrutiny of Labor’s questionable values.