After six years, the Fyles Labor government is still to deliver a major project and even their big battery is already five years late, running at 50 per cent over budget and not expected to be completed for another year.

Shadow Minister for Renewables and Energy Joshua Burgoyne said what Labor originally spruiked was a $30 million project to be completed by 2017, but it has turned into a $45 million monstrosity.

“When asked about it in question time today, Natasha Fyles danced around the question, unable to admit this is another major failure on the shoulders of the Gunner-Fyles Labor government,” Mr Burgoyne said.

“They couldn’t run a chook raffle at the local pub, let alone be trusted to implement major projects to drive the Territory forward.

“They have no credibility on green energy, and it’s taken five years longer than originally promised to build an expensive battery.

“This is an important project to deliver reliable, renewable energy to the Territory and every day it’s delayed, is a day we’re further from reaching our renewable targets.

“We wonder if they’d like some help from the CLP Opposition who have a track record of delivering major projects for the benefits of all Territorians.”