When Territorians fill up the tank on their Christmas holidays, they can thank the Fyles Labor government for that extra sting in the hip pocket.

At about 3pm, the Labor government first declared they would not back the Opposition’s Fuel Price Disclosure Bill and then, rather than put their cards on the table with a vote, pushed debate into February.

Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said the proposed fuel law, which was a recommendation from the ACCC, would force big fuel companies to be transparent with the pricing and force fuel prices down.

“For Labor to reject lower fuel prices and then kick the can down the road to the other side of Christmas at a time when families are struggling with the cost of living just beggars belief,” she said.

“We have spoken with Territorians in the malls, shopping centres, markets, and in the streets, as well as consulting with 247 organisations about the Bill and the common theme was that Territorians were getting ripped off.

“But today, Labor chose to back big fuel while we will always back Territorians.”

The debate had started badly for Labor with the Treasurer arguing in circles and seeming unclear on what fuel measure she was addressing.

“Eva Lawler was confused and out of her depth as she spent 15 minutes arguing with herself,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

Ms Lawler tried to discredit the Opposition’s Fuel Price Disclosure Bill but failed to outline any plan to drive down fuel prices and the cost of living for Territorians.

The CLP is the only team with a plan to drive down cost of living pressure for Territorians by tackling the price of fuel.

Mrs Finocchiaro said Labor was out of touch, out of ideas and just not listening to Territorians.

“Many small businesses are paying a 42% fuel levy on every pallet delivered to their stores but while some pass on that cost to everyday Territorians, others have to absorb the costs or else their products would be unaffordable.

“The Federal Labor treasurer thinks we are paying too much for fuel and so does Federal Labor member Luke Gosling. It’s a shame Territory Labor chose big fuel over Territorians.”