Motorists will anxiously await the outcome of today’s vote on the Opposition’s Fuel Price Disclosure Bill.

Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro said the Bill would enact a recommendation from the ACCC by providing greater transparency around profit margins and increasing competition on Territory fuel prices.

“The Fyles Labor government was telling us last month how keen they were to debate this Bill and today is their chance to stump up and do the right thing for families struggling to make ends meet,” she said.

“When we introduced this Bill in August, Territorians were paying 30 cents a litre more than southern capitals for fuel.

“We always see big oil companies reduce their profit margins whenever governments look at transparency and competition and that’s what we’ve seen happening in the past few months.

“Today, the Labor government has the opportunity to make that effect permanent.

“The rubber really hits the road today and Natasha Fyles will have to declare whose side she is on – the side of Territorians or the side of big oil companies,” she said.