The Fyles Labor government has risked empty classrooms in the New Year by stretching teacher pay negotiations into the Christmas holidays, according to Shadow Education Minister Jo Hersey.

“Labor has managed to kick the can all the way to the end of school year, inviting more and more teachers to quit the Territory and move interstate to more certainty and closer to friends and family,” she said.

“We already have short-staffed schools unable to fill dozens of vacancies and Natasha Fyles has done everything she can to further increase the attrition rate.”

Teachers are now asked to vote on the latest offer before the ballot closes on December 12, but Mrs Hersey said that left just three days before the end of the school year.

“Teachers in the Territory have already decided if they’re staying or going at the end of Term 2, so why does the minister think it’s a good idea to stretch out these negotiations?” she said.

“This should have been done months ago to show our teachers they’re a valuable and critical part of our community.

“The drain on our teachers has been widely felt and to push the uncertainty into the Christmas holidays is just opening the door to empty classrooms in the New Year.”