Behind the eye-watering crime statistics are families living in fear and business owners being pushed to the brink, according to Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro.

“The latest crime statistics released today reached new horrific levels but failed to convey the depth of the Territory’s suffering under Labor’s Crime Crisis,” she said.

“Territory businesses are at breaking point because the financial, physical and emotional costs are just too much to bear.

“Just the safety risk for staff is too much and some businesses have already decided to shut up shop

“Others are taking extraordinary measures to cope, such as locking their doors – during business hours.”

Across the Northern Territory, crimes against property to the year ending October 31 are up 19% on the previous year, with commercial break-ins up 53%, property damage up 25% and car theft up 20%.

In the last week alone we heard:

  • Porkin Small Good and Coffee engaged private security and resorted to locking their doors during trading hours;
  • Casuarina Square Shopping Centre is spending $2.5 million a year on security; and
  • The owners of Monte’s Lounge in Alice Springs are closing because crime is “more than we could continue to bear”.

Porkin Small Goods and Coffee co-owner, Manfred Mletsin said: “The safety of my staff is very important to me. We’ve said … if you don’t feel safe at the shop, please lock the door. And I know we’re not the only business who does that.”

Mrs Finocchiaro said many businesses were saying they were at breaking point and looking to move interstate because they can’t keep holding on.

“Labor claims their approach will take decades to work but businesses can’t last that long,” she said.

“Our plan, given the opportunity to govern in 2024, will be to stop the revolving door of bail, introduce Sentenced to a Skill, introduce mandatory community service, move Youth Justice out of Territory Families, and I will hold the police portfolio.

“But businesses are telling us they can’t hold on another two years for the election. They need action now.”