The Labor Government has abandoned Aboriginal Territorians through their lazy approach to the end of Stronger Futures.

Mr Edgington said: “Since Labor dropped the ball on post-Stronger Futures planning, alcohol related assaults have increased 25% across the Territory.”

“Areas below the Berrimah Line have been even harder hit, with assaults with alcohol involved increasing by 30% in Alice Springs and nearly doubling in Katherine (42% increase).”

The 3-year review of the Liquor Act 2019 is required to be tabled in Parliament within 12 months, but the Labor Government has already pre-empted that statutory review.

“On radio this morning, the Chief Minister cast doubt on the legitimacy of the Liquor Act review, pronouncing that the BDR and floor price were ‘working’—indicating that there was nothing to see there.”

“This is extremely disappointing and indicates the review will be nothing more than window dressing. Meanwhile, people are being abused, assaulted and murdered due to Labor’s lack of planning for the end of Stronger Futures.”

“Natasha Fyles and the Labor Government talk up evidence-based policy making, but the evidence is in—Labor’s alcohol policies are not working and worse, they are ruining lives.”

“The dangerous Stronger Futures legislation passed by Labor in March must be reversed and a real review of the Liquor Act should be conducted to strengthen the BDR and determine whether the floor price should be removed as ineffective.”