Territorians’ safety is the last thing on Labor’s mind as the Fyles government prioritises social justice and covering up their economic mismanagement, according to Deputy Opposition Leader Gerard Maley.

Mr Maley said Territorians no longer felt safe at work or at home.

“The Labor government has failed to heed warnings from bus drivers and corrections officers who fear for their own lives every time they go to work,” he said.

“Bus drivers warned reintroducing fares before new safety screens were installed would expose drivers to increased assaults and that’s exactly what we’ve seen.

“Labor’s crime crisis is overcrowding Territory prisons where understaffed corrections officer face increased safety risks.

“Labor’s priority, though, are policies that even Labor admits would take decades to have any effect on crime.”

“The first job of any government is to keep its citizens safe and on that fundamental measure, Labor has proved a dismal failure.”