The crime emergency in Alice Springs is an unfolding catastrophe and the town needs immediate support from the Federal Government, according to Shadow Minister for Public Employment Bill Yan.

“We are not being supported by the Fyles Territory Government so we are calling on the Prime Minister to step in,” he said.

“Lives and livelihoods are at risk. We can’t even get our groceries.”

Mr Yan and fellow Alice Springs MLA Joshua Burgoyne wrote to the Prime Minister this week asking for the plight of Alice Springs to be elevated to a national emergency, with resources allocated as a matter of national priority.

“There is precedent to send in Federal resources during times of crisis, such as flood, fire, cyclone, or Covid,” they told the Prime Minister.

“We ask that you immediately allocate AFP resources to save Alice Springs.”

The Opposition threw additional support behind the community’s call for Federal assistance today, launching a Save Alice Petition, which can be signed at

“With no action from the Territory Government, we must escalate this call for help now,” Mr Yan said.

“The crime catastrophe in Alice Springs is a threat to lives and livelihoods. Our town is under attack. Our police are doing the best they can but are severely under-resourced.

“We can’t sleep, work, live or even get our groceries so we are asking all residents, across the Northern Territory, to add their support to the petition.”

Mr Yan said Federal resources were often sent in when lives were at risk in flood, fire and during the covid pandemic.

“The Territory Labor government has failed in its duty to keep us safe so we’re asking for the same.”


Save Alice – More Police Now