Labor’s broken promises have left offenders free to commit crime, breaking businesses and forcing locals to live in fear, according to Shadow Minister for Territory Families Joshua Burgoyne.

Prior to the last election, Labor’s Deputy Leader Nicole Manison promised to cut youth crime with “Clear and Immediate Consequences for Repeat Offenders”, including a community work program that would see offenders cleaning graffiti, clearing weeds and landscaping.

“That media release was as far as it went and now, 31 months later, youths are still repeatedly offending without fear of consequences,” Mr Burgoyne said.

“If there were consequences for offenders, such as cleaning graffiti and clearing weeds, they wouldn’t be throwing rocks at delivery cars or smashing windows.”


Mr Burgoyne said each time the Crime Catastrophe in Alice Springs got major media attention, Labor did the same damage-control routine.

“Labor comes out and says it is a ‘complex’ issue, telling us all they are working ‘very hard’ and talk about some rushed, ill-conceived ‘action’ they are going to take as a ‘circuit-breaker’,” he said.

“If any of their ‘circuit-breakers’ had worked, the community wouldn’t be calling on the Federal Government to intervene.

“They promised kids would be removed from the streets and put in a ‘safe place’, but there’s no indication that has actually happened.

“When Police Minister Kate Worden was asked how many kids were put in a safe place since the promise was made, she refused to answer – on the grounds that mentioning a number would somehow be a breach privacy.

“However, Channel Nine reported the number was just 5.”

Locals don’t believe the Fyles government will ever fix the problem and are signing a Save Alice Petition, requesting assistance from the Federal Government.

“We back the community’s call because Alice Springs cannot wait for a change of government in the Territory,” he said.

“That’s why we are asking all Territorians to throw support behind Alice Springs by signing the petition at”