Labor is wasting billions of dollars in Central Australia and the Barkly and Chief Minister Natasha Fyles is calling for more money to throw into the bottomless pit, according to Shadow Attorney-General Steven Edgington.

Mr Edgington and Alice Springs MLAs, Josh Burgoyne and Bill Yan, have written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese requesting a full audit and review of existing Commonwealth and Territory spending on services and programs.

“More than a billion dollars every year is spent in Central Australia and the Barkly, yet the standard of living has deteriorated,” he said.

“That points to a lack of KPIs, no measurement of outcomes, and zero concern about Territorians getting value for money.

“Aboriginal Territorians are particularly disadvantaged and throwing more money at the problem, without an inquiry, will make little difference.

“Short of a comprehensive audit and review, additional money will not improve the lives of those in the Barkly and Central Australia and the cycle of crime, poverty and despair will continue.”

Mr Edgington said Territory Labor’s refusal to listen to people on the ground meant decisions and actions were driven by party politics instead of real world circumstances. This at the expense of the most vulnerable members of our community.

“Labor’s only strategy is to stand back and spray billions of dollars around, hoping something will work,” he said.

“But when they’re not listening, most of that money will not produce any positive outcomes and if they don’t have any KPIs and measurement of outcomes, they are just wasting Territorians’ money.”