Territorians have no confidence in the Fyles Labor Government and the Opposition will reflect their discontent with a No Confidence vote when parliament resumes next week.

I will give notice next week for a Motion of No Confidence in the Fyles Labor Government and I will request the support of the Labor backbench, independent Members and the Member for Blain. This drastic measure is not taken lightly but is reflective of the distraught voices of Territorians who are sick of suffering the consequences of a government failing to do its job.

The Fyles government has failed to perform the most basic functions of government including:

  • Failed in its primary duty to keep people safe, with Territorians fearing for their lives at work, at home, at school and even getting the groceries;
  • Failed to deliver essential frontline services and address crises in Police, Health and Education;
  • Failed to manage the economy resulting in record debt and skyrocketing cost of living.

When you can’t sleep safely at night, your government has failed you. When you don’t know if your child’s class will have a teacher, or your car will be still there after getting groceries, your government has failed you. That’s not the Territory we want to live in.

Here in the Territory, it used to be about protecting our lifestyle, now it’s about protecting our lives and livelihoods. Under Labor, Territorians live their lives not looking forward but looking over their shoulder.

This is beyond politics. This speaks to the responsibilities of an elected government to do its most basic duty. And if a government is not able to do the basics, it can’t govern. Natasha Fyles has shown, by her own actions, she cannot govern.

The past week has shown the government, led by Natasha Fyles, is not even able to accept there is a problem and Territorians know that if you can’t admit there is a problem – you can’t fix it.