Put up your hands if you want a share in $250 million.

That’s Labor’s way of spraying around the $250 million Prime Minister Anthony Albanese promised Central Australia, according to Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Steve Edgington.

Referring to the PM’s grant promised last week, Treasurer Eva Lawler confirmed today that “every agency has a budget bid in around that”, after making light of the very idea of an audit.

Mr Edgington said Labor’s eyes glaze over in the face of money and combatting Aboriginal disadvantage is the furthest thing from Labor’s mind.

“Yesterday, the Fyles government voted against auditing the billions of dollars already being spent with the intention of helping Aboriginal people,” he said.

“Today, Labor has admitted that an extra $250 million will be distributed in a free-for-all.

“There’s no strategy, no plan, no objectives or KPIs – just a cash splash in a desperate attempt by a Labor Chief Minister and a Labor Prime Minister to get themselves off the front page.

“It just goes to show Labor have no ideas, no plan, and they’re out of touch with Territorians.”