The Fyles government would do well to heed Queensland’s example by protecting citizens from repeat offenders, according to Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro.

Queensland’s Labor Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk today back-flipped on her contentious youth crime reform and intends to make breach of bail an offence again.

“There was a huge backlash to soft bail laws in Queensland and the Premier admitted a public petition contributed to her change of mind,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

“In the Territory, we are much deeper into Labor’s Crime Crisis but our Chief Minister keeps siding with the criminals instead of the victims.

“The CLP fought against Labor’s removal of breach of bail as an offence, and since then we have been voted down by Labor when we have sought to have this reintroduced.”

The Opposition has long promised a CLP Government would stop the revolving door of bail.

“We have been calling on the Labor government to make breach of bail an offence for a long time,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

“We know it needs to be done. The police know it needs it be done. Everyone in the Territory knows it needs to be done. The only people digging in their heels are the Fyles government.

“Natasha Fyles keeps proving her government isn’t listening and they’re just not up to the job of governing.

“If the embarrassing return of Stronger Futures legislation is anything to go by, it may take a flying visit from Queensland’s Labor Premier to tell Natasha Fyles how to do her job.”