After six years of Labor, crime is accepted as “part of life” and Territorians expect to be victims, according to Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro.

Mrs Finocchiaro doorknocked northern suburbs of Darwin on the weekend, speaking with many residents who have already had their homes broken into.

“Most concerning is the general level of acceptance that having your home broken into is just a part of living in the Territory,” she said.

“One resident expected to become a victim in the very near future as neighbours on both sides and homes across the road were all recently broken into.

“Being a victim of crime is the new normal under Labor as the Fyles government has actively encouraged criminal and anti-social behaviour.”

Casuarina Square, after recently banning students from six schools for 48 hours, has now banned students of two schools from entering the shopping centre unaccompanied for a month.

“For young people, the violence, anti-social behaviour and blatant disregard for rules did not happen in isolation,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

“When the world around them is modelling that kind of behaviour and the Labor government accepts such behaviour, it is seen as a normal way of acting.

“That culture spells disaster for a whole generation and for the entire Northern Territory.”

The Opposition shifted their doorknocking focuses into nearby Police Minister Kate Worden’s electorate on the weekend.

Mrs Finocchiaro said residents in the Police Minister’s community were resigned to the fact Darwin crime levels would soon reach levels that propelled Alice Springs onto the world stage and nothing could change before the 2024 election,” she said.

“Several Marrara residents reported how brazen young offenders had become, now thinking nothing of break-ins and robbing people.

“Youths walk past homes, abusing occupants on a daily basis and there’s nothing the residents can do because they are outnumbered.

“Offenders are becoming more aggressive and threatening, leading to more assaults, which meant living in fear was also becoming normalised for the rest of the community.”