The Fyles government intends to bulldoze flooded homes at Pigeon Hole and build new ones in their place, according to Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Steve Edgington.

Mr Edgington has called out the Chief Minister Natasha Fyles for blaming Pigeon Hole residents and their preferred location for flooded homes in their community last week.

“Today, we see the Labor government has awarded a tender to build new homes in the same flood zone, with some of the old homes being bulldozed to make way for the new ones,” he said.

“There is still no flood mitigation works so these new homes will be sitting ducks the next time we get a big wet season.”

Scope of works for the tender, accepted on February 17 this year, includes demolition of four homes and construction of four new ones (3x five-bedrooms and 1x three-bedroom).

Mr Edgington said the last thing taxpayers wanted to see was their money being poured into assets they know will only be destroyed.

“Wasting taxpayer money like that is just lazy and irresponsible,” he said.

“Territorians and their money deserve to be treated with more respect than that.

“We don’t want to see Natasha Fyles trotting out the same lines two years from now, blaming residents for her own government’s failings.”