The Chief Minister has refused to answer the question on the minds of all Territorians, will Declan Laverty’s tragic loss of life be the catalyst for change.

Following her refusal to even speak on the most serious motion a Parliament can debate, a Motion of No Confidence in her Government, Natasha Fyles then hid behind an excuse of ongoing court proceedings.

Mrs Finocchiaro said “Natasha Fyles made a political and calculated decision to use the excuse of not wanting to prejudice proceedings on questions that would not impact the ongoing trial but would impact the lives of all Territorians.”

“The Chief Minister, despite claiming this morning on radio that the buck stopped with her, shirked her responsibility to respond with what she would do to ensure Declan’s death was not in vain.”

“The Member for Katherine asked a question on behalf of Cass who runs the Katherine Hotel on what the government would do to guarantee the safety of workers and help the industry recruit workers.”

Even then, she did not answer the question. She chose again to cite the same excuse.” she said

The Chief Minister is answerable to the Parliament and she should be ashamed of the pantomime she performed this afternoon in the face of a Territory in suffering.”