Today in Question Time the Chief Minister, Natasha Fyles, arrogantly stood up and bluntly showed she had absolutely no intention of finding bipartisan solutions to crime.

“Territorians today wanted to see Natasha Fyles show some humility and use the parliament to deliver change and address the revolving door of bail” said Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro.

“This in light of the tragic stabbing death of Declan Laverty who was stabbed to death by an offender out on bail.

“Territorians want answers. They want solutions and they want everyone in politics to work together to ensure they are being listened to and make solid plans to keep them safe. 

“Unfortunately Natasha Fyles chose politics over people in bluntly refusing to work with the CLP.

“Natasha Fyles has failed all Territorians, has no plans to address crime and community safety and is simply not listening to anyone who does. Enough is enough” said Mrs Finocchiaro.