Even after copping criticism from Territorians over her politically motivated performance in the Parliament yesterday, Natasha Fyles chose not to answer the first question in question time on strengthening bail.

When asked if she would be bringing stronger bail laws into parliament today, she chose to use her time again to bathe in a by-election victory and jeer at the CLP. 

Mrs Finocchiaro said, “The Territory is not celebrating and they’re furious at the Chief Minister’s antics over action”.

This was after coming into parliament this morning and prioritising a debate on vaping, over any other issue.

In question time today, the first question from her Labor team was about the jobs fund. In fact, through all of question time today not a single question from Labor was asked about her announcement, community safety or bail reform. 

“Territorians rightly expect their parliament to respond to events such as Declan’s death with real and immediate change, the last thing they want is a Chief Minister and Government high fiving themselves in the chamber.”

“The Chief Minister needs to work with us to strengthen bail, we could change the law today. Parliament should sit for as long as it takes until it’s done,” she said.

Almost two years to the day, in March 2021 we introduced the Bail Legislation Amendment Bill which would create a presumption against bail for repeat offenders and violent offenders (youth and adults), and reverse changes the Labor Government made to the Bail Act when they removed breach of bail condition as an offence for youth.

Natasha Fyles voted it down.

Under Labor’s bail act, right now, a violent offender has a presumption in favour of bail.

“With a Territory in grieving, anything less than immediate changes to bail in the Parliament today is an admission that her press conference was about urgently saving face not urgently saving lives” she said.