While the Chief Minister and the Territory Controller were sitting down enjoying their dinner last night residents in Alpurrurulam and Lajamanu were struggling to put food on the table.

Floods have cut-off large parts of remote Northern Territory with repeated calls for help from the Fyles Labor Government falling on deaf ears, says Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Steve Edgington.

“For months Alpurrurulam and Lajamanu have been isolated, leaving the communities desperately in need of rapidly diminishing supplies.

“Despite repeated calls for assistance and emails being sent by community members including the Warte Alparayetye Store, the best response the Fyles Labor Government can give is that they will look into it and get back to them, which they have not. Residents and local store owners need assistance, not resistance, to replenish much needed food stocks and essential supplies.

“There are up to 400 people living in Alpurrurulam desperately needing help and have not seen a truck with much needed supplies in 11 weeks. The Georgina River is still swollen and much needed repairs to the Sandover Hwy, which was damaged by ex-tropical cyclone Ellie, have not been completed.

“The people of Alpurrurulam and Lajamanu are in dire need of help. The Fyles Labor Government must act immediately to assist these Territorians and help relieve their suffering, because at this moment they are failing the basics and communities are paying the price,” said Steve Edgington.