In another show of the Fyles Labor Government’s commitment to spending in secret today, they voted down the CLP’s motion to create a select committee to examine the Ship Lift project.

Originally projected to cost $100m in 2015, the project has now ballooned to $515 million, with nothing to show for it, not even a hole in the ground.

Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley, said “This is not the Government’s money. It’s taxpayers’ money and they deserve to know how it’s being spent”.

“This is all the more important since Clough, a major investment and joint venture partner in the ship lift project is now under administration.

“This is the Government that promised that they would be open and transparent, but when they are asked to open the books and show Territorians where their money is being spent, they refuse.

“In fact, on the 8th of December last year I wrote to the Public Accounts Committee to investigate public spending and still haven’t received a response.

“The Fyles Labor Government’s track record on delivering major projects is appalling with the failures of Project Sea Dragon, the Sun Cable project stalling and NT Beverages collapsing after receiving a $10 million investment from this Government, to name just a few.  Territorians should be able to ask where their money is going and if they are getting value for money.

“The Fyles Labor Government has blocked all forms of scrutiny. What have they got to hide? Territorians deserve to know where their money is being spent. It’s not the government’s money to be wasted, it’s Territorians’ hard-earned money. It’s just not good enough,” said Mr Maley.