Saturday’s crime rally on the steps of Parliament House sent a strong message to the Fyles Labor Government, demanding urgent and decisive action to keep people safe.

Shadow Minister for Territory Families Joshua Burgoyne said Territorians wanted the Labor government to act with urgency but Labor’s focus was on anything but keeping citizens safe.

“Instead of working overtime on urgent legislation to keep Territorians safe, Labor’s Attorney-General has been running around New South Wales for the State’s election,” he said.

“Natasha Fyles has the opportunity this week to prove she has listened by taking action,” he said.

“She needs to stop telling us she is listening, stop telling us it’s complex, stop telling us how hard she’s working, and start taking action.”

Mr Burgoyne said this was not the time to kick the can down the road.

“Parliament is sitting again this week – now is Labor’s chance to urgently bring on legislation.

“Earlier this year, the Prime Minister came to Alice Springs and told the Chief Minister how to do her job.

“As a result, Natasha Fyles then came into parliament and urgently brought on alcohol legislation.

“Will the Chief Minister now do what needs to be done or does she need another visit from the Prime Minister to tell her how to keep Territorians safe?”