Today’s announcement from Natasha Fyles on bail is welcomed but must go further, according to Leader of the Opposition Lia Finocchiaro.
“Last Sunday Declan Laverty was killed at his workplace,” she said.

“For two years leading up to his death, the CLP and Territorians were calling for tougher bail.

“On Saturday, 4000 Territorians stood on the steps of Parliament House to say ‘enough is enough’.

“Today, Natasha Fyles said ‘we are a government that acts’ but, unfortunately, it took Declan’s death, a public rally and years of pain to finally get her moving.”

Mrs Finocchiaro said while the CLP welcomed the announcement, it could not be limited to ‘knife crime’.

“All violent offenders should start with a position of NO bail,” she said.

“Natasha Fyles has spent the last week trying to confuse the issue of bail, claiming violent offenders started from a neutral position, which is plainly false.”

“Today, again in an attempt to muddy the waters, she claimed her bill went further than the CLP’s legislation from two years ago.

“Two years ago, the CLP drafted legislation that included a presumption against bail for Robbery and Labor voted it down.”