Natasha Fyles has yet again come out and said absolutely nothing regarding the future of, or her confidence in, Police Commissioner Chalker, continuing to show a complete lack of leadership. Who exactly is running the Territory?

“We have a Territory in crisis, a missing Police Minster and a Chief Minister unable to make a decision,” said Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro.

“And today unbelievably another press conference to not give answers.

“Today Natasha Flyes disrespected every Territorian and police officer when she again would not confirm the status of Jamie Chalker.

“Who the Police Commissioner is and in what capacity are they acting cannot be a secret.

“Natasha Fyles has told us over and over that her government would act transparently and with integrity. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

“His position is untenable, and her lack of leadership is unacceptable.

“The Territory once again is on National news for all the wrong reasons as Natasha Fyles creates another mess,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.